Staying on track for the Retail Distribution Review 0

Posted on 27, June 2013

in Category bsg insight


Why is this important? Why is it happening? The retail investment market has been a lucrative space for many years, however over the last decade it has had its fair share of scandals. The key area of concern currently under scrutiny is the delivery of financial advice and the subsequent sale of financial products. With the current approach, financial advisers receive commissions on products provided to clients – a framework that can introduce a bias to the financial advice which is given. Product providers that offer advisors attractive commissions get favoured, very often steering advisors away from keeping clients’ interests [&hellip

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Collaboration: The key to successful distributed development 2

Posted on 17, June 2013

in Category bsg insight, practitioner experience, tools and techniques

Overcoming the challenges of distributed development

by Michael Railton Challenges are just opportunities to think differently Offshoring has its horror stories. Many of them resulting from putting the desire to drive cost down ahead of the desire to deliver against business benefit. Throwing specs “over the fence” may be cheap, but there is often significant business upheaval in the wake of a poorly built software system. The cost of correction (in the software) and disruption (in the business) is often significantly greater than would’ve been incurred had a smarter approach to working as a team been pursued from the outset. Effective collaboration within distributed development teams is [&hellip

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Making sense of chaos in the compliance space 0

Posted on 7, June 2013

in Category bsg insight

Compliance - Making sense of the chaos

by Jacqui Newling, owner of our regulatory compliance service We’re helping many of our banking clients to effect the implementation of regulatory change. These programmes are extensive and complex. In order to help get our head around this, we took some time to reflect and identify key themes in these programmes. Taking a macro view allows us to consider how to implement these changes in a flexible and scalable manner. Our belief is that institutions that are setup to roll out compliance change effectively and quickly will be in a better position to focus on the business rather than the [&hellip

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