Back in the new year – happy holidays! 0
Posted on 24, December 2013
in Category bsg news
Posted on 24, December 2013
in Category bsg news
Posted on 27, November 2013
in Category bsg insight
We often observe apprehension when the word “agile” is mentioned in board rooms and programme offices. BSG (Africa) recently hosted a briefing with a view to debunking some agile myths and outlining some of the benefits of becoming more fluent agile practitioners.  
Posted on 24, October 2013
in Category bsg insight
In April 2014 short-term / payday lenders will be regulated by the FCA. In this infographic, we layout a timeline with the key changes to consider against your lending operating model
Posted on 16, October 2013
in Category bsg insight
Customer need is a moving target. In this conference presentation, BSG’s Jurie Schoeman talks about applying lean startup and Business Model Canvas techniques to remove the guesswork and reduce wasted time in project delivery
Posted on 9, October 2013
in Category bsg insight
Authored by Olumide Mosuro and David Reinhardt BSG (UK) Business Analysts recently attended the Business Analysis Conference Europe 2013. Shortly after the conference, the BSG delegates collectively identified a number of trends which cropped up across the conference topics. BAs and leadership There were a number of talks focused on the BAs role in organisational leadership and / or how leadership skills can improve the capability of BAs to influence change. Naturally, these positions go hand-in-hand because they, in effect, a virtuous cycle. Although – BAs and project practitioners – we’ve instinctively known this for some time, we take the [&hellip
Posted on 30, September 2013
in Category bsg insight
Authored by Andras Rusznyak Consultants from BSG recently attended a Business Analysis conference hosted by Unicom. Shortly after the conference, the BSG delegates collectively identified some key themes which were evident in a number of the presentations. Talk to the customer Our world is shifting and decisions are no longer made behind closed doors between Business and IT. At least they shouldn’t be. Customers are increasingly using online channels and leaving their footsteps in the front-end systems of every organisation. If IT people can observe these steps they’ll get a better understanding of the customers. Profiles, personas and behavioural pattern data is [&hellip
Posted on 19, September 2013
in Category bsg insight
David Reinhardt, BSG Principal Consultant, presented a talk titled “Did BA’s become irrelevant when business learned to code?” at a recent industry conference. The talk examines the progression of the relationship between Strategy, Business, IT and the Customer. We love to talk about this. Please make contact if you would like to discuss any of the ideas in this presentation. In the run-up to the conference, David also authored a blog post talking about the role of trust and the transition from a specification/control world to a process/trust world. Read it here
Posted on 10, September 2013
in Category bsg insight
Posted on 6, August 2013
in Category practitioner experience, tools and techniques
Posted on 1, August 2013
in Category practitioner experience, tools and techniques