Benefits pyramid 0

Posted on 20, February 2013

in Category tools and techniques


In the context of BA’s as agents of change, it is essential that there is clear line of sight between the organisation’s strategy and the change to be introduced by the project. The benefit(s) are the descriptions of what measurable improvement will be introduced by a particular change initiative. This tool helps identify (and track) traceability from strategy all the way through to the change delivered by a specific project. BSG (UK) Benefits pyramid version 1 from BSG (UK)

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BSG’s reflections on the UK IIBA Survey 2012 0

Posted on 6, February 2013

in Category bsg insight

IIBA Survey Wordle

For the second year running, the UK International Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA) published the results of an industry-wide Business Analysis survey. For that same second time round, the BSG BA team, many of whom completed the survey questionnaire, reviewed the results and discussed some observations. BSG (UK) – Reflections on 2012 IIBA BA survey version 1 from BSG (UK)

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Thinking strategically about compliance 0

Posted on 1, February 2013

in Category bsg insight

Thinking strategically about compliance

Compliance related fines totalled more than $3.5bn in 2012. Financial sector compliance has moved from the business pages to the front page. LIBOR, regulations, capital adequacy, anti- money laundering and other industry terms are becoming discussed as regularly as last week’s football results. We’ve observed in many clients that when people speak about compliance it tends to be reactive – a problem has been identified and it needs to be fixed. Businesses tend not to see compliance in a strategic fashion as it has traditionally been a cost centre that has not contributed to the bottom line. A seismic perception [&hellip

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