Systems decoupling: a perfect storm 0

Posted on 24, July 2012

in Category knowledge


For many years now, a driving philosophy for IT departments has been consolidation. Disparate systems have beenmerged together, architectures have gone SOA, enterprise resource planning software has been implemented andmanagement reporting has been streamlined.But what happens when systems decoupling needs to take place? What happens when, after years ofconsolidation, your business and systems processes need to be separated? Perhaps the market has turned and abusiness unit needs to be sold, or a change in systems vendor requires replacing a legacy system, or new legislationrequires a different way of working. These are all real possibilities that need careful consideration. BSG (UK) [&hellip

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Taking a ‘start with why’ approach to design – David Reinhardt 0

Posted on 16, July 2012

in Category practitioner experience


The days of the humble report are surely numbered. Infographics, self-service reporting, BI dashboards and real-time analytics have usurped the humble report. Instead of knowing how many widgets we produced last month, now we want to know what the likely impact is going to be of next month’s unforeseen event on our ability to reach the financial measures of our balanced scorecard for the current financial year. When I first began business analysis work, we’d focus intently on process and data requirements. After rounds of analysis and reviews, we’d have a detailed sense of what it is the system needs [&hellip

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