Engaging our community
BSG (UK) is passionate about being a proactive force for positive change, both for our clients and our community. We actively engage in outreach and social responsibility initiatives to develop the IT industry, benefit the community and protect our environment.
BSG runs a co-ordinated social responsibility programme with particular focus on education and small business development.
Initiatives in the UK
Within the UK we look to identify and support initiatives which are consistent with our global focus on education and small business development. In recent years we have undertaken a number of projects to raise funds for initiatives consistent with this focus.
Leap Schools
Our largest project globally is the support of the LEAP schools in South Africa. The LEAP Science and Maths School aims to transform educationally disadvantaged communities in South Africa through mathematics and science focused education initiatives.
The LEAP learning model is designed to support children from South Africa’s township communities to be become South Africa’s leaders of the future. LEAP aims to achieve this objective by:
- facilitating the personal development of each learner into successful and socially responsible citizens. This includes an expectation that our learners will be successful within a family context and will be caring fathers and mothers in time to come.
- substantially increasing the number of learners achieving Bachelor Qualification Senior Certificate passes with Maths and Science thereby enabling access to a full range of tertiary education opportunities.
- playing an active role in improving the national performance in Maths and Science as espoused by The Centre for Development and Enterprise and the National Education Department.