Currently Browsing : Chuka Madukwe

Staying on track for the Retail Distribution Review 0

Posted on 27, June 2013

in Category bsg insight


Why is this important? Why is it happening? The retail investment market has been a lucrative space for many years, however over the last decade it has had its fair share of scandals. The key area of concern currently under scrutiny is the delivery of financial advice and the subsequent sale of financial products. With the current approach, financial advisers receive commissions on products provided to clients – a framework that can introduce a bias to the financial advice which is given. Product providers that offer advisors attractive commissions get favoured, very often steering advisors away from keeping clients’ interests [&hellip

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Project architecting for anti-progress 1

Posted on 15, May 2013

in Category practitioner experience

2013 05 14 post wordle

by Chuka Madukwe At the outset of every engagement, we spend time architecting the project to ensure that there is alignment between the organisation’s strategy, the proposed deliverable of the project and the approach to be adopted. Over the years, we’ve seen many, uhm, less than optimal practices across the industry. We decided to write them up in a “cheat sheet” for project architects. Project architecting for anti-progress Make roles and responsibilities unclear. In fact, why even consider them at all? Just assign people to the project and hope that they will get on with it. This way, the real “diamonds [&hellip

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